Date Established: 2/1/2012
Date Last Updated: 2/16/2021
Financial, Procurement
Responsible Office:
Financial Management
Responsible Executive:
Vice President for Finance and Administration
This policy outlines the requirements for identifying and recording university assets and establishes guidelines for asset security and accountability.
The University at Buffalo (UB, university) has a significant investment in assets and is committed to recording, maintaining, and safeguarding these assets against loss. Asset Management is responsible for the centralized accounting and timely reporting of university assets; the department of the primary user of the asset is responsible for the proper use and protection of assets in their custody.
The university utilizes the State University of New York (SUNY) Real Asset Management (RAM) system to maintain asset details and accurately record:
All higher-risk equipment costing less than $5,000 requires a non-bar-coded UB identification tag affixed, to establish UB ownership. Departments must maintain records and periodically spot-check this equipment to verify their existence and condition.
Departmental asset coordinators must physically locate and reconcile the assets maintained in RAM and report changes to Asset Management at least once every two years.
All assets with an original cost of $5,000 or more (purchase price less discounts plus freight and installation costs) and a life expectancy of more than one year must be recorded in RAM when the asset is placed into service. This applies to assets acquired through purchase, donation, or lease-purchase arrangement.
The UB Foundation (UBF) will report all gifts over $5,000 to be recorded as assets to Asset Management. Proposed gifts and bequests must be reviewed to determine that restrictions or limitations governing the gift or bequest can be met. When an item is gifted to your department, contact your department’s development officer to complete the Gifts of Personal Property Form. The form must be signed by the donor and an authorized representative for the department receiving the gift of personal property.
The following information must be forwarded to UBF:
When assets are constructed by assembling materials and parts purchased through several purchase orders, the department or principal investigator (PI) must notify Asset Management of the existence of the asset.
A listing of the purchase orders, receipts for the parts, and applicable labor used to assemble the asset must be provided to Asset Management by completing the Fabricated Asset Questionnaire.
If the assets were purchased with Research Foundation (RF) funding, approval from the sponsor and a cost transfer request may be required.
The purchase price (less discounts plus freight) of the parts, as well as applicable labor costs to build the asset, must be recorded in RAM once the asset is built and placed into service.
All newly purchased assets costing $5,000 or more and all sponsored-defined equipment must have a bar-coded inventory tag affixed within 90 days of final payment.
Higher-risk equipment costing less than $5,000 must have a non-bar-coded UB identification tag affixed. Non-bar-coded identification tags can be obtained from Asset Management. Department specific non-bar-coded identification tags may also be used with approval from Asset Management.
Ownership of all assets acquired with State, RF, or UBF funds is vested with the respective entity and not the individual faculty or staff member. This includes assets purchased:
When state funds (even as little as $1) are used toward the purchase of university assets, title vests with the state and the item will be recorded in RAM as a state asset if the cost is $5,000 or more. Therefore, it is important to determine funding source and sponsor policy regarding title or ownership of items when considering split-funding for an asset. Purchases may be split only if sponsor policy allows title to the assets to ultimately vest with the RF or state. If title must vest with the sponsor, the purchase may not be split.
Transfer of Research Foundation (RF) Property
When a PI leaves UB and wishes to transfer sponsored awards or assets purchased with grant funds to another institution, Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) must be contacted to discuss the transfer. All university approvals must be obtained before assets may be transferred.
The PI must:
Asset Management must:
Transfer of State Property
Transfers between state agencies (i.e., SUNY) are permitted. Asset Management must be notified in advance of any intended transfer to or from another state agency and will coordinate the transfer.
When faculty or staff leave UB and wish to transfer assets purchased with state funds to another state agency, Asset Management must be contacted to discuss the transfer. Assets purchased with state funds may be transferred only to another state agency.
The faculty or staff member must:
Asset Management must:
Transfer of UB Foundation (UBF) Property
When faculty or staff leave UB and wish to transfer assets purchased with UBF funds to another institution, UBF must be contacted to discuss the transfer. All university approvals must be obtained before assets may be transferred.
The faculty or staff member must:
Asset management must:
Departments must secure university property in their custody and document their methods to:
All assets must be assigned the following codes when they are entered into the RAM system by asset management:
Status Code | Status Description |
01 | In-use |
02 | On Loan – Out |
03 | In Storage |
04 | Surplus |
05 | Under Repair |
06 | Not in Use |
07 | Antiques and Artwork |
08 | Shared Utilization |
09 | Excess to Needs |
10 | Loan – In |
11 | Operating Lease |
12 | Obsolete |
13 | Re-Inventory |
Condition Code | Condition Description |
E - Excellent | New or used property in excellent condition that is slightly shopworn or soiled, but utility is not impaired |
G - Good | Used property, maintained regularly, minor repairs made as required |
F - Fair | Used property that is shopworn, deteriorated or damaged to the extent that utility may be impaired |
P - Poor | Used property in poor condition, badly worn, broken, soiled, rusted, deteriorated and damaged; utility seriously impaired |
S - Scrap | Used property that has no present or future utility, cannibalized for parts, repairs not contemplated |
Departments or departmental asset coordinators must notify Asset Management if assets are moved to a new location so that assets are appropriately tracked within RAM as required by state and federal policy.
The chart summarizes possession changes and related disposal options for assets and higher-risk equipment purchased with State, RF, or UBF funds. Refer to the Asset Management at UB webpage for procedural details and applicable approvals.
Disposal Options | State | Research Foundation | UB Foundation |
Disposal | Yes, in accordance with university procedures | Yes, in accordance with university procedures | Yes, in accordance with university procedures |
Donation or Sponsorship | No | No | Yes, if to a 501(c)(3) entity and consistent with UB’s mission |
Loan | Yes, if to RF or SUNY | Yes | Yes, if to a 501(c)(3) entity and consistent with UB's mission |
Sale | No | Non-sponsored - Yes Sponsored - Depends on sponsor allowability | Yes, with prior UBF approval |
Transfer | Yes, if to another state agency | Non-sponsored - Yes Sponsored - Depends on sponsor allowability | Yes, if allowed by sponsor or to a UB-affiliated program/entity |
Trade-in | Yes, if for a state-funded purchase | Non-sponsored - Yes Sponsored - Depends on sponsor allowability | Yes |
When a department wants to dispose of an asset or higher-risk equipment that is no longer useful, the available options depend on the condition and funding source used when the asset was purchased.
If the asset was purchased with State funds, and is in fair to excellent condition, the following programs should be used:
Asset Management Directed:
If the asset was purchased with RF or UBF funds, the SUNY Property Control Listserv and NYS website may be used, but are not required.
If all options for transfer of the item have been exhausted or if the item is in poor, scrap, or obsolete condition the item may be disposed.
If there is a large amount of equipment to be disposed, a departmental spreadsheet may be used in place of the Disposal of Equipment Form with prior authorization from Asset Management.
University assets (over $5,000) recorded in RAM may be removed from the campus for university business use with an approved Property Removal Authorization Form.
University assets not recorded in RAM (under $5,000) may be removed from campus for university business use as long as the department maintains a method to record and track these assets. Property to be tracked includes portable electronic devices transported back and forth (e.g., cell phones, laptops). Tracking methods may include:
Asset Management will request information about new assets to maintain the accuracy of RAM. Failure to respond to these requests will be escalated.
Days From Date of Asset Receipt | Response From Asset Management |
0-30 Days | Reasonable response time; no further action from Asset Management |
Over 30 Days | Second email request sent to departmental asset coordinator with copy to UBO |
Over 60 Days | Third email request sent to departmental asset coordinator with copy to UBO, dean, and RF Operations Manager |
Over 90 Days | Memo sent to department with copy to Procurement, UBO, dean, and RF Operations Manager Procurement will restrict the department’s ability to purchase new assets until information on existing assets is received |
Departments may request an exception through the University Controller if compliance with this policy is not feasible or technically possible or modification is necessary to support a business function.
A violation (e.g., improper disposal of assets, failure to respond to repeated requests for information, theft, misuse of high-risk equipment or assets) of this policy may subject the user to disciplinary action. In violations such as theft (over $5,000) or fraud (over $5,000) civil penalties, or criminal prosecution may be necessary. Asset Management will review all alleged violations on a case-by-case basis and pursue recourse, as appropriate, through University Police and Human Resources.
The University at Buffalo utilizes the SUNY Real Asset Management (RAM) system to maintain the inventory of State, RF, and UBF assets. RAM facilitates proper and timely reporting of asset transactions and safeguards against loss.
This policy applies to all State, RF, and UBF assets and high-risk equipment.
Property costing $5,000 or more that may be used repeatedly without any material impairment of physical condition and which has a probable life expectancy of one or more years, including machinery, vehicles, software, and apparatus. Cost includes the price less any discounts, plus all freight and installation charges; cost does not include warranty, training, maintenance, or trade-in costs. Assets for this purpose do not include fixed building equipment such as heating, ventilating, plumbing, and electrical equipment.
Bar-Coded Inventory Tag
A decal containing the RAM asset number and the name of the entity to which title vests (i.e., State, RF, or UBF).
Departmental Asset Coordinator
Individual appointed by the department head to maintain the department’s asset inventory, track equipment transfer and disposal, and monitor physical security of assets.
Higher-Risk Equipment
UB property costing less than $5,000 having a greater potential for theft or that may be easily removed from campus (e.g., portable electronic devices including laptop computers, cameras, projectors), and any equipment removed from campus. Cost includes the price less any discounts, plus all freight and installation charges; cost does not include warranty, training, maintenance, or trade-in costs.
The university has ownership of all assets purchased or reimbursed with State, RF, or UBF funds, transferred, or otherwise acquired unless specifically stated by a sponsor.
Real Asset Management (RAM)
SUNY-wide inventory system used for the purpose of tracking assets. Assets costing $5,000 or more must be entered and maintained in RAM.
Funding the purchase of an asset with monies from multiple sources or sponsors.
Sponsor-Defined Equipment
RF property costing less than $5,000 and purchased with funds from a sponsor who requires assets to be inventoried at a lower dollar level. These assets are entered and maintained in RAM.
Title will vest with the entity (i.e., State, RF, UBF) that funded the purchase unless otherwise specified in the terms of a sponsor agreement.
UB Identification Tag
Non-bar-coded decal that reads “Property of University at Buffalo” and is affixed to higher-risk equipment costing less than $5,000.
Contact | Phone | |
Asset Management | 716-645-2619 | |
February 2021 | Updated to remove references to UB SWAP; the UB SWAP application was retired. |
March 2019 | Full review. Updated the policy to: • Change the title of the policy from Managing University Equipment to Managing University Assets |
June 2016 | Full review. Updated the policy to: • Replace the term "high-risk equipment" with "higher-risk items" |
February 2015 | Updated to clarify the Ownership and Possession Changes section and High-Risk Equipment definition allowing the removal of equipment from campus only for business use. |
Satish K. Tripathi, President