A Service Request Form is used to initiate a service request, examples of which are repairs, maintenance agreements, printing, and anything involving labor. After submitting, the form will be routed to Purchasing and Contract Services for processing.
When you are ready to begin filling out your Service Request form, return to the ShopBlue Shopping home page and look for the Special Requests tab under “Showcases” towards the bottom (Figure 1).
In the “Special Requests” tab, click Service Request (Figure 2).
The first step of the form asks you to search for and select your desired supplier. Below the “Enter Supplier” field, click magnifying glass to search for, and select, your supplier (Figure 3). If the supplier hasn’t been added into the ShopBlue system type “New Supplier”.
After the supplier has been selected, enter the product description, quantity, and estimated price (Figure 4).
Figure 4
Include additional details for the request, if any (Figure 5).
Then list authorized users or departments, if any (Figure 6).
Next the start and end date of the service request needs to be entered (Figure 7).
Select the contract in ShopBlue that will be used for the service request, if any (Figure 8).
Then you will need to upload any supporting documents to assist in approvals and new supplier information (if applicable). If applicable, attach any documentation here that should be sent to the supplier with the purchase order for the external attachments (Figure 9).
Once the form is complete, navigate to the top of the form (Figure 10). If no other lines need to be added, select “Complete Form and Go to Cart.”
If you need more than one line, select “Save to Cart and Add Another.”
After you have completed the Service Request Form, go to your cart and “Proceed to Checkout” (Figure 11).
Figure 11