When purchasing through Hosted Catalog suppliers, you search for the items directly in ShopBlue.
In the “Showcases” section of the shopping homepage, select the desired supplier’s logo above the words “Hosted Catalog” (Figure 1).
Note: You will know a supplier is a hosted catalog if a search box displays when you click on the vendor's name or if the hosted catalog icon displays when browsing suppliers.
In the search box that pop ups, type the item number or item name and click the magnifying glass (Figure 2).
Figure 2
Alternatively, type the number or name in the “Shop” search box at the top of the page and click the magnifying glass (Figure 3).
To the right of the item you’d like to purchase, select “Add to Cart” (Figure 4).
Add other items then go to your cart by clicking the shopping cart icon at the top of the page and then click “View My Cart” (Figure 5).
Note: for hosted catalog purchases, do not add a shipping line.
Proceed to check out when you are finished.