ShopBlue Additional Entity Access Request for Purchase Orders & Receivers

Staff members can request access to view purchase order information from additional entities and create receivers in ShopBlue or ask for access removal.

By default, people have access to view purchase orders and create receivers in ShopBlue within the same entity assigned to them by Human Resources. However, if a staff member is working closely with another entity outside of their originally assigned one, they may require additional access in ShopBlue.

This form will not give people access to ShopBlue if their appointment doesn’t allow it, nor will it change anyone's appointment entity.


  1. Enter information about adding or deleting additional access in ShopBlue
  2. A request will be sent to the UBO for approval of access
  3.  On approval by the UBO, ShopBlue will notify all parties

Note: If you are requesting access in another VP or Decanal unit, the UBO in that unit must make the request.

Need Help Completing the Form?

For help using ShopBlue e-procurement system, contact:

ShopBlue System Support

Phone: 716-645-4500


Form Facts

Form Type: HTML

Requirements: Web browser

Updated: 10/10/2023

Owner: Business Services